Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rape of A Nation: The Congo Genocide

I have not written in a while and I have been distracted by a thing called life but I cannot let International Women's Month go by without saying anything about the suffering of our Sistahs in the Congo...last year I put up a post with a video on the rapes in Kenya and the same horrific things are happening in the Congo. I wonder why there is such silence? The Congo is one of the mineral richest countries in Afrika and her people suffer so much from war, poverty, lack of basic medical care and rape of resources.

Here is a powerful photographic and video documentary called "Rape of a Nation by Marcus Bleasdale.


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is home to the deadliest war in the world today. An estimated 5.4 million people have died since 1998, the largest death toll since the Second World War, according to the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

IRC reports that as many as 45,000 people die each month in the Congo. Most deaths are due to easily preventable and curable conditions, such as malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia, malnutrition, and neonatal problems and are byproducts of a collapsed healthcare system and a devastated economy.

The people living in the mining towns of eastern Congo are among the worst off. Militia groups and government forces battle on a daily basis for control of the mineral-rich areas where they can exploit gold, coltan, cassiterite and diamonds.

After successive waves of fighting and ten years of war, there are no hospitals, few roads and limited NGO and UN presence because it is too dangerous to work in many of these regions. The West's desire for minerals and gems has contributed to a fundamental breakdown in the social structure.

Monday, March 2, 2009

International Women's Month: Black Love in Public

Sistahs, in my meditations this morning I concluded that Greatness is our divine birth rite AND it is in not only our best interest but the world's interest that we live a life that is elevated to that status. There many situations and or environments where the Greatness of Sistahs is not valued - in fact many people are intimidated by a SistahGoddess that knows what she deserves and stands firm in that belief. So this month of honoring of Wombyn all over the world for our tireless efforts keep our children fed, our communities in tack and our connection to Spirit everlasting is very important. Let us use this month to give honor to each other on the personal level - to reach out to each Sistah we know and tell them "I see you. I appreciate you and I love you."

In the SF Bay Area this weekend, SistahGoddess Eboni Senai organized Black Love in Public. This effort was part of the Intimacy Project and she describes the event as:

For ONE hour on ONE day, The Intimacy Project calls upon Black folks in the Bay Area to SHOW their love for one another.

In a city that is slowly rendering Blackness invisible.
In a time that fails to support us as emotional beings.

This is an EXAMPLE to OURSELVES + to OTHERS...
That Black folks are capable of deep + sustained affection towards each other.
That we are able to heal wounds, old + new, starting with the simple act of TOUCH.

I loved this idea!!! I often think that the real war we are fighting has to do with the oppression of our emotions and our ability to truly love each other with heart - Black Love can dissolve any negativity we experience as a people. It is funny that many movements within our community have yet to grasp this as the ultimate tool against oppression. Love of self, Love of other = trust = community.

The FIRST HONOR goes to SistahGoddess Eboni Senai of the Intimacy Project. I see you, I appreciate you and I love you Sistah!