Ok, my Sistahs- I have rarely spoke about the subject of Pleasure Seeking but there is a time and place for everything and now I confess that I have been eating chocolate for the last three days. After years of being a vegan and truly avoiding the whole "food" I recently just gave into my urges and got a nice expensive bar of chocolate. Ummm... it was soooo yummy, soooo delicious. I ate the whole thing and it felt good.
According to Italian researchers, women who eat chocolate regularly have a better sex life than those who deny themselves the treat. Those consuming the sugary snack had the highest levels of desire, arousal and satisfaction from sex.
The urologists from San Raffaele hospital, Milan, questioned 163 women about their consumption of chocolate as well as their experience of sexual fulfilment.
The study, which will be presented at the European Society for Sexual Medicine in London next month, found: “Women who have a daily intake of chocolate showed higher levels of desire than women who did not have this habit. Chocolate can have a positive physiological impact on a woman’s sexuality.”
Dr Andrea Salonia, author of the study — funded from a university research budget, not by the confectionery industry — said women who have a low libido could even become more amorous after eating chocolate. He believes chocolate could be particularly medicinal for women who shun sex because they are suffering from premenstrual tension.
“Chocolate is not like a food, it is like a drug. Women who suffer mood swings as a result of their menstrual cycle may also suffer a dip in their sexual function. I strongly believe eating chocolate may improve their sexual function,” said Salonia.
I understand the work that has to be done in the world - the healing that needs to take place, the fight for justice AND I also am beginning to understand the need to invite JOY into our lives. I am the first to tell you that health is important and I understand (or as my friend Mama Yaa says "overstand") the need for sensations of joy and pleasure in our lives. Many of us don't allow ourselves the simple things that bring us moments of happiness.
I have checked out so many erotic blogs lately and I love the way Sistahs are re-claiming the realm of Joy in their lives. Many of us work hard and as another friend says "we need to play hard". The new moon in Taurus is about making real what is in our minds.
I am a big advocate of abundant thinking - having the belief that every being on this planet deserves for the cup to overflow with prosperity. I notice in all my years of prosperity practice that blocks divert your flow. Many of us long for happiness, financial independence, success, love, peace and those things are already in our lives we just have to see with new eyes.
Lately, I have used the practice of inviting Spirit to create abundance, love and peace in my life. One morning in my meditations I made a specific INVITATION and do you know that immediately before I could get up from my meditation cushion I had a call for a new client! The rest of the week worked that way, too. My life was overflowing with opportunities...I told a couple of friends and they said the same took place for them. You see prosperity needs an INVITATION - you can want something all your life but you need to formalize the request to the universe. In this action you transition to ACTION.
Sistahs, I want you to take this week and INVITE in pleasure for yourself. Everyday, in small ways or BIG ways take a pleasure trip. Be bold and see where it gets you - what doors does it open up for you? Discover what you have been suppressing - release and let Life Flow in You.
I got a deep message last weekend, that now is the time for Sistahs to step into the river of abundance - to change our lives so they Work for Us. If you need help, here are a few suggestions:
1. Buy a bar of Lindt Chocolate and eat is slowly, deliberately while in a bathtub with scented bubbles.
2. Instead of a shower every morning, take a candle lit bath everyday before work - see how this changes your day...
3. Dress up in your most beautiful outfit and take yourself to lunch or dinner.
4. Ask your mate for a sensual massage or go get a nice massage from a professional.
5.Invite a another pleasure seeking friend to a glass of wine/tea after work (yes, pay a babysitter and get out)
*Remember, husbands can watch children, not everything cost money, pleasure can be found in a cup of herbal tea or bubble bath...SMILE and for just this moment find 100 things to feel joyful about...*
I could go on...but write me and give me more ideas...
Sistah C