Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 4 of 40 Days of A New Life!!!!

Greetings Sistahs,
Sorry, I did not get to post yesterday as I was on the road. This process of juicing takes some preparation when you have to leave your home but its all good! I feel so supported from the Universe in this process. I also feel so supported from my Sistah readers who cheer me on- thank you!!!!

The affirmation for yesterday...
4. Through my consciousness of my God-Self, the God/Goddess within, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply.

When we are aware of our ONENESS with SPIRIT and all its Creation we are in that flow of powerful abundance! Think of the practices or the things you do to feel the flow of God...Meditation is an GREAT tool for calming the mind and connecting with Spirit. There are hundreds of techniques and practices. You can learn for free at many retreat centers.

Vipassana (worldwide)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (outside San Francisco)
New York Insight Meditation Center
East Bay Meditation Center (Oakland Bay Area)

Some centers are Dana-based, which means you donate for your retreat stay - give what you can...other centers charge a fee to stay and have meals and may ask for a donation for teachers...I can tell you all are located in serene areas and are great places to get away from it all and learn to be comfortable with self...If you have questions email me...I am a long time practitioner. Also, many people of many faiths practice meditation - you are not require to be a Buddhist to learn nor will there be any recruiting...

Sistah C