SistahGoddess, Ayida Honor of Native Style
Sistah! I think somewhere in my deep past I was a scientist - a madd scientist! A person consumed with how people, places and conditions related. I was doing some research on the heart and Deepak Chopra (the book of secrets) says,
"Two chemicals called actin and myosin evolved eons ago to allow the muscles in insect wings to contract and relax. Thus, insects learned to fly. When one of these paired molecules is absent, wings will grow but they cannot flap and are therefore useless. Today, the same two proteins are responsible for the beating of the human heart, and when one is absent, the person's heartbeat is inefficient and weak, ultimately leading to heart failure....In our hearts, we feel the impulse to fly, to break free of boundaries. Isn't that the same impulse nature expressed when insects began to take flight?"
Sistahs, today's question is:
"Where does your heart wish to take flight?" If you woke up one day like that little insect years ago and realized that the Creator gave you the magical proteins to fly, where would you go?"
You could answer this question in many ways...this is my madd scientist part, LOL!!!
You could comment, you could send me a link to a youtube video, you could send me a picture of a piece of art, you could send me a poem....see where I am going...
Creativity was mentioned yesterday by Sis.Soraya. We need that medicine to set us free...

This brings me to some more EXCITING NEWS!!! Not too long ago Sis. Marilyn introduced me to SiSTAR Goddess Ayida of Native Style. Ayida has created the most beautiful website that allows us creative folk to trade and barter our art and even or unwanted stuff! Do you know I had been thinking for months about what I was going to do with some of my books, clothes and jewelry?? I am also such a lover of giving my artwork away that I think I have found Native Style to be my creative savior!
Now, Sis. Ayida and I got to talkin' and she invited me to be on her Native Style Radio Show! I am so excited!!! This Wednesday at 6pm to 7pm (PST)
Here is a little something about Sis. Ayida and Native Style...
Ayida Honor is a wife, mother, writer, artist, and teacher. As a child she was raised in the Caribbean and was introduced to herbology at a very young age. She is a certified massage therapist and Acupressure/Shiatsu practitioner with experience in both midwifery and naturopathy. Ayida has given birth to 4 children. Her first two children were birthed at a birthing center. Her other two children were birthed at home. Ayida uses her experience in traditional and montessori school environments to home-school her four children. Ayida is also in the process of completing her first cookbook, "The Native Style Cookbook: A Family Oriented Approach to the Plant-Based Diet". This cookbook will be available in early spring 2010
Why did I create the Native Style Trade and Barter Marketplace?
I have been inspired to create this community out of a need to reach out to other artisans and craft workers and have a peaceful fun and safe "Monetary Free" place where we can trade from handmade items to ideas and even food recipes. A place to network and assist each other in finding our true calling and find ways to express creativity in a way that supports us financially while fulfilling a need for creativity and growth.
Sistahs, Ayida and I will be speakin style and truth on Wednesday, so please join us! I hear there will also be a raffle! Goddess-Give-A-Way!!! Also, join Native Style!!! I know you all have some works that I would love to barter and trade. Lastly, I have to plug her husband Lenon Honor who creates the most high vibration music!!! A very creative couple!
So, I am going to wrap it up with some inspirational music...
Sis. Camara
An insightful day for me yesterday. I cannot wait to hear your interview tomorrow. If i had wings I would fly to the grand canyon and take in the space and vastness of it. Then I would go to Thailand and just recieve... massages, food and healing.. I think I would just travel communing with nature /mother earth...
beautiful entry. i'm also a mad scientist in many ways and lately have been feeling very connected to all the amazing birds that shower us with their lovely music and presence. the entire family is bird watching and getting familiar with the array of birds living here with us..not sure why at this time but it's a great respite from the everyday hustle and race of just living...it's really relaxing. i also painted a pic using a bird mama who was suffering from the bird blues..it helped me express some feelings around perinatal depression and loss. i hope to share with y'all. here's a haiku i wrote for us. a mantra. i plan to right a haiku everyday and share it here. peace mama's!
beautiful girl heart
flying to discover you
freedom is your right
I would return to Kemet. Back to the beginning. I would swim in the Nile and let Ra's rays kiss my skin. I would thank Nut for her moon and the stars from which I was born. I would admire the handiwork of my people---how Great the pyramids are. I would return to my Highest Self. My Goddess Self. I would create, love, worship, give birth, live, BE....but for now, my wings will take me into this warm bath of Himalayan salt and rose petals....
I must really be feelin the LOVE in this space because I am never this open with my thoughts/feelings. Thanks Goddesses for creating this space of safety/LOVE.
@Marilyn, Soraya and Shelly,
This is all so powerful and heart - filling that I am completely FULL...
I appreciate how you all are sharing the heart - doing this we let others know that it is ok to heal - to do this heart work.
I am over flowing...yall should see me, LOL!!!HUGS!!!
wow, after reading this entry and listening to the beautiful music, I had to just take time out and pray. My eyes are still red,from the crying I've done. I cant explain it, I just feel the love and its so amazing. The creator is so wonderful Im tearing up thinking about the mothers grace. I wish I could feel like this all the time.
I feel like saying I love you, sistah goddess. haha, man, thankyou for your wonderful, wonderful blog. ashe
Those LOVE tears are so healing!!! I cry tears of joy and love at the drop of a dime...I luv that feeling of being full-of-love!!! Gina, I am soooo glad you shared your luv flow with us! We are on a serious movement to have everyone get that good-lovin-feelin'! Keep letting us know how you are doing! Hugs and Much LOVE!!!
Sis. Camara
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