Monday, October 11, 2010

Money and Prosperity

Sistahs, I just recently conducted a sample survey of women from the Wombyn Studies membership to get a feeling for Sistah's attitudes regarding money, finances and prosperity. The results indicated that while many of us are fulfilled with our work we do not feel in control of our financial life. There are many external factors that can contribute to a Sistah struggling financially but at some point she must decide to become the victor and fight for what she deserves. In fact, developing a financial plan and clearing away the cob webs of debt and lack is number one on my list. I have fasted and cleaned out my body now there is another frontier for me to conqueror (yes, I am using war terms) and that is MONEY. I actually will not conquer the money but all those obstacles - mostly self made that prevent me from being a wealthy wombyn.

I have said it! YES, my goal is to be wealthy - self-made, financially independent and philanthropic Wombynaire! A Wombynaire is a Wombyn that has integrated all parts of her Goddess-self to achieve the highest of height! This task requires me to be focused and unfettered in my mind. I have seen people who are like this- goal oriented and very pointed in their process.

I read an article the other day of a research study that shows that single, head of household Black women have the net worth of $5.00! Yes, you read correct $5.00 (five) dollars!!! When I first heard of this article some wonderful "community spin-doctors" (people who pose as intellectual community advocates who sit around and spin the reality of a community - pretending they know it all, lol) on facebook where stating that Black Wombyn are the blame for their situation and that they needed to stop being "independent" and get a husband. The funny part is that the article said that when a Black Wombyn is married her network is about a little over $31k. I thought to myself "31k isn't enough for me to marry someone for a hike in net worth!" I actually felt so insulted by the men and women who were engaged in this senseless conversation - as if their suggestion/solution had any real merit!

Sistahs, some people just think we deserve the crumbs! That you should be happy with what you get. Sistahs, don't believe that crap! If anything, when I read this article I got super motivated to corrected some things in my life AND I was a little T'd off because I had worked so hard for so long like other Sistahs struggling to support their children and somebody says "$5.00 filthy dollars!" Yes, we are more than money but word "worth" in this society seems to be synonymous financial success. Financial stress and "failure" can cause illness, can break up relationships and is probably the leading cause of depression. The reality is in this society, the way it is now - you need money as a tool to help build a solid foundation.

There are so many people who hate what I just said, but Sistahs take a long hard look at your situation. A whole Wombyn - confident in who she is- aware that she comes from a long line of strong Wombyn should not carry the burden of financial chaos because of what others may think! In fact, being aligned with the Divine Feminine means you have tapped into the inner workings of the Great Mother as your source for abundance. You know if you put a seed in her soil she grows and multiples it. As Wombyn our bodies are also living examples of multiplication in action...

Today, my feelings were strong about a plan to eliminate financial struggles in my life and the lives of other Sistahs I know. I have seen too many dreams deferred. I called up one of my Sistah friends because she is always in a place of action and I remember her mentioning that she working in the wealth realm. I spoke with her and she directed me to some sources. We also talked about the universal movement for Wombyn to re-remember their power in all aspects of their lives - this most definitely includes finances!

I urge all Wombyn to get that relationship with your money going. Face the ugly truths in your financial house and start a cleanse. I have debts to pay, too. With clarity and courage the tool of money does not rule the master - instead the master is wise enough to use her tool correctly.

Join me in Wombyn Studies' Money and Prosperity Circle.

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara


Melinda Hancock said...

I would suggest checking a new service called which is very relevant online financial planning offering.They offer free assessment of your financial situation (regardless your income level) and a full comprehensive financial plan for $99. The report I got was extremely valuable - worth every dollar invested.