Friday, December 14, 2007


Photographer: Seydou Keita

Day before yesterday the phone rang and it was my grandfather Frank. He said,"You know who this is?" I felt so happy! We conversed for a while and I had told him that I was getting a divorce and that I had been forced out my home - now living with my mother. He simply said, "That isn't where you need to be." He also said, "Trust in God. This was not who was meant to be your husband. You will be fine. I will pray for you." My grandfather since I was a "little bit" always spoke from a place of deep knowing. He has a lot of knowledge, yet he is a man of few words. I notice that he observes many things and when necessary will let you know something about yourself. He and my grandmother had eight children and lived in a small modest home that was always immaculate. I remember he told me the story of the day my Grandmother transitioned into the Spirit World. He said they were sitting down in the living room playing a game of cards. Suddenly, my Grandmother looked up at him and said, "Frank! Come here quick and give me a hug!" As he hugged her she passed away in his arms. I cried when he told me this story - both my Grandparents were always examples to me of what it meant to be devoted to one another and to live a life dedicated to family and God.

Probably by now if you are doing this plan, you are discovering that prosperity is more than money or material items. I have realized that this process is bringing me back home to my self - the self that I forgot these last few years. I am slowly building a relationship with my self and it is a beautiful homecoming. Everyday, I find a treasure that I had forgotten about or misplaced. My creativity is awakening again and I am reconnecting with long lost friends. I hope you are finding your treasures as well...

DAY 6 (write this down, meditate on it and journal your thoughts)

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires.

Sistah C