Sistah Goddess Mawu by Sandra M. Stanton
Gratitude is the acknowledgement of the treasures, the support and love around you. There is a practice that come to mind that says that when ever you are in that space of feeling isolated, unsupported and challenged -sit down and write down or say out loud 100 things you are grateful for... after the first ten you begin to feel a flow. Gratitude is like fuel for your prosperity. The universe flows on gratitude. Tell those around you today that you are grateful that they are in your life - let that gift from you infuse them with positive energy to take with them into the day.
On this fourth day I have already began to realize my treasures. This morning I was awakened by my ministry (which I will share with you soon). It came to me after a frightening image in a dream I had. I got out of that image what it is that I needed to dedicate my life to...what it is that my Ancestors need for me to do.
As you do today's affirmation remember that the Creator, the Spirit World and your Ancestors are the essence of who you are - this makes you powerful and divine. It gives you the absolute right to overcome any obstacle in your life. The world can not benefit from you being small or invisible- you are important, you are needed.
DAY FOUR (write this in your journal, meditate on it for 15min, journal your thoughts for 5min)
4. Through my consciousness of my Original-Spirit-Self, the Creator within me, as my Source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence the Creator, the Spirit World and my Ancestors within me is my supply.
Sistah C
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