Welcome to the Nature Year 2008 in the Dagara Tradition of Burkino Faso, West Africa. My name is Mbali (Zulu for the flower) given to me by the great High Sanusi, Shaman Credo Mutwa from South Africa.
I began to write this for you and the power went out so I am taking another look at what feels good to share. Nature teaches us about change, transformation and authenticity. It is very specific. There is no room for dis-clarity. It is asking us to remove the masks that no longer serve us and move into our true nature to become truly who we are.
This year calls us to make changes and transform where we are stuck, what we have resisted, where we have put off or away. It also calls us to remember our essence.
It is inviting us to be introspective about parts of ourselves that are shut down, dried up and need regeneration and revitalising. It also asks us to remember the cycles of life, birth death rebirth and life and our deep connection to our spirit allies, the winged ones four legged, two legged, creepy crawlies, ones that slide and swim. All have medicine for us all are waiting for our requests and all stand ready for our deep connection.
We have trained ourselves to move away from our true nature, whether it be through conditioning or donning the masks that others expect us to wear. In doing that we have forgotton our wildness, cultivate our true nature to become gentle warriors to support rather than deny who we truly are. When we do this our longing for belonging is at risk and we continue to fool ourselves that we are our true selves and yet we separate ourselves from our greenness our essence our basic beliefs our greatness and we continue to tell ourselves we are not ok.
Nature challenges us this year to show up and take a risk, otherwise we will always remain in the discomfort of the comfort, to live with compromises and to deny ourselves our right to live fully.
What is the key to unlocking our true nature and living it? Let us learn from the trees the relentless ways of sleeping and coming back to life, let us learn from the flowers who do not question what is next other than being a beautiful bloom and the animals who embody qualities that are our medicine. Go to nature often this year, to invoke, to do ritual, to revitalize where we are burnt out and to reconnect to our spirit allies. Do vision quests to hear the messages and to understand that we are truly part of mother nature. Spend time with redwoods that are thousands of years old and whose roots are interconnected to remind us of unity and community and the interconnectedness of all beings. Go to the water to hear about flow, peace and reconciliation. Lie on the earth at sundown that magic time that reminds us of little sorrows and let mother earth hold all woes and troubles. And lie on a rock and ask the rock to rumble our bones to help us to remember the beauty of who we are, why we came here and our purpose.
And above all just sit and allow Nature reminds us of magic and mystery and allow it to take your breath away, wait there quietly , something WILL happen………..May the ancestors bless and protect you always.
“They say that animals recharge their innocence each time they hoof the earth, and we are reborn when we touch what matters”- Mark Nepo
Mbali is a teacher of Traditional Indigenous Wisdom. Click here to visit her website.
DAY 28 (write it down, meditate for 15min, journal your thoughts)
28. My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.
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