Hey Sistahs!!
I hope you are enjoying your first week of the New Year! I have been really energized to think up news ways to enjoy life AND new ways to connect my Sistah Frienz with each other! Wombyn Studies now has over 200 members!!! Remember when it just started?? Now we have expanded to a video chat room and we are offering FREE classes this month! I have some real FABULOUS Teachers that have generously decided to share their wisdom! This Sistahs are truly phenomenal! A BIG THANKS to Rhya Jovan who did the Vision Board class. Talk about a great technique to bring together all those powerful visions and Wo-Manifest your desires!!
This Sunday, I will be the MC for our MUTHA WIT Poetry, Spoken Word, Songstress OPEN MIC! I have been putting it all out there and Sistahs are signing up! I really would love for SistahGoddess readers to join us! Open Mic is just a term for informal sharing of your poetry, your writing, your music -BRING IT ON! To perform you will need a web cam with mic and some headphones (ipod style ok). If you just want to sit back in the comfort of your home and watch then you just need to GO TO: http://apps.facebook.com/wombynstudies/ ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 AT 3PM (PST)/6PM (EST) for the event! Want to perform?? Email me at wombynstudies@gmail.com to get on the list! Remember that new year's resolution to put yourself out there more???

Sunday, January 16th at 10am(pst)/1pm(est) Marilyn Fontaine is going to do a workshop called I AM THANKFUL! An Attitude of Gratitude workshop based on the work from her Creative Healing Playbook (Amazon). If you have not experienced Marilyn and the powerful way in which she assists you in realizing your creative genius then you are in for a real treat!
You can RSVP for both events using facebook:
Mutha Wit, http://tinyurl.com/2dxka3f
I AM Thankful, http://tinyurl.com/29fbz62
I hope you will support these events!
Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara
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