Greetings Sistahs,
I have been sitting on these wonderful LUNAR Calendars for the last couple of weeks! I have been meaning to just randomly give them away but have been pretty busy. We are getting ready to head into February AND I want some of my special SistahGoddess blogspot readers to get one - as my special appreciation for your support!
**Last Day to Participate January 31st***
Every year I make an order with Snake & Snake productions to get her special lunar charts! She is even so kind as to include envelopes!! I am going to give away 5 charts (one per person) to first FIVE SistahGoddess blogspot readers who post a comment on this post that describes their favorite ALL TIME GODDESS/Female Deity and why you feel an affinity with her! Make sure when you leave your comment that you check back because I will need your MAILING ADDRESS to send the calendar! This calendar is printed on nice hard stock paper and is perfect for recording your cycle or special days of the year! Even tells you when the full and new moons are present along with solstice dates! ENJOY!!!

Lastly, we are having another FREE WOMBYN STUDIES COURSE THIS WEEKEND! Kelarius Finex, will be guiding us in a very interactive activation of the Divine Feminine Principle within the cells of our body! THIS IS AN ONLINE CLASS! This Sunday, January 30th, 10am (PST)/ 12 noon (CST)/ 1pm(EST). No special equipment is required. You can participate via two links:
Facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/wombynstudies/
Direct page: http://www.linqto.com/rooms/WombynStudies/
Kelarius is a Light Worker that guides others through the development and connection to their higher dimensional forms. She is an author, public speaker, and holistic health practitioner certified in various modalities of self improvement. With her main focus on women, she makes it clear that the work must be done to return back to one’s goddess form.
Wow, you really want me to pick only one lol? In that case, it would have to be Aset because Her strength is such an inspiration to me and She is the epitome of Womanhood. I love how She was able to re-assemble her Beloved's dead body and create a Son who would rise up and help us defeat our lower nature. This speaks to me because it's showing a woman doing what a woman has to do to keep the world turning. She is a queen, warrior, mother and wife. What else needs to be said? She is the ALL!
Good Morning and blessings to you SistahGoddess... My favorite Goddess/Orisha is Oshun. When I first learned of her and her attributes pure beauty rang through the pages. She is the goddess of the river, symbolizing love. She flows soft but can also flow with a fury. The sensuality of this goddes is what she is often known for. Not only can her attributes be seen in elements of the physicality of relationships of people, but also, through how we move throughout our daily lives.
My favorite all time goddesses are Ma'at, Kemetic goddess of balance and truth. I feel a connection with her as I come more in connection with my higher self and I learn to balance my life through the use of meditation and purification. As her symbol is the feather I work to keep my heart as light.
@Sister Holistic, I was just speaking to a Sistah about Aset - the Mother of All Mothers - the Before the Before. Lovely that she has showed up.
@EloquentlyMe, I do resonate so much with Mama Oshun. Her honey, her sensuality and her generosity especially to Mothers with children.
@Aisha, YESSSS Mama Maat! She has always been the force of justice for me. I like they would say that she would weigh your heart against that of a feather to see what is lighter...
YES INDEED, it is hard to choose just one. Thank you Sistahs! Please email me your street address for your calendar to SistahGoddess@gmail.com
Thanks for participating!
Yaa: Mother Earth Goddess, Goddess of fertility & love....I feel some connections to the Great Goddesses in so many areas of me, but I am linked to Goddess Asase Yaa deeply because she was known and worshipped on the land and in the fields...her love of the earth and her love of creation.....of being in and about the earth. She was a Creatress of Earth & Life....
OOOHhh UrthEagle, YESSSS Asase Yaa is sooo you AND so powerful! To me, she is everything and everyone - beautiful arms holding all things, all being together! Don't forget to email me your street address...
I looove Oya! She is is a warrior Queen who brings change and looks after the Ancestors. Hekua Oya!
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