I have declared March as Afrikan Wombyn's Liberation Month! As the ruler of my own universe I thought this was a timely thing to do as March 8th is International Women's Day - a global holiday that honors Women.
March is going to be about the Victories of Afrikan Women. I LUV, LUV, LUV the stories of my Sistahs! I am amazed by the everyday powerfulness of the Dark Goddesses that I know...I thought it was time for a celebration our works!
I am currently looking for video, film shorts, written works, music, art and more that uplifts and tells the powerful story of women of Afrikan descent. The work will be featured on web page and on our NEW ONLINE TV STATION called SHE Network - http://www.livestream.com/shetv
I am also looking for sponsors for 30second ad spots on SHE Network. Do you have a business or a service you want to advertise to Sistahs? You can do this for $30 for the whole month of March!
For further details email WombynStudies@gmail.com
Sis. Camara
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